Ernst Neumann – Stem Cell
In 1869, Neumann pronounced the later on „stem cell“ as „lymhoide Markzelle“ see picture 6f ß and 6h ß, (better seen on page „Pathologist“) because the cell looked like a Lymphozyt. This drawing is printed in 1874 and shows also the later on Erythroblast with first haemoglobin (6 e), all observed in bone marrow since 1868 and embryotic liver since 1874. Lit: Neumann, E.: Kernhaltige Blutzellen bei Leukämie und bei Neugeborenen E.Wagners Archiv der Heilkunde Bd XV, 1874)
The beginning of Stem Cell research can be dated back to Ernst Neumann, who was appointed professor of pathology at Koenigsberg in 1866 and described in a preliminary communication [literature 1868)] the presence of nucleated red blood cells in bone marrow (BM) saps. On the basis of his observation, Ernst Neumann was the first to postulate the BM as blood forming organ with a common SC for all hematopoietic cells (see literature=:
Zech,N.H., Shkumatov,A. Koestenbauer,S.: The magic behind stem cells. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics Vo. 24, Nr. 6 (2007) 208 – 214
Draft by Ernst Neumann himself, showing the “great-lymphozyt-stem-cell” (1912) or “great-lymphocyt” as stem cell.
Neumanns ideas: Postembryonic and embryonic development of erythropoiesis and leukopoiesis in the bone marrow and, as shown here, in the embryonic liver; GrLK: nucleus of great-lymphocyt-stem-cell;
Erblk: Erythroblast (Neumann 1914).
In addition to Rosenow, Wintrobe and Tavassoli, the german hematologist Günther Brittinger and Herbert Neumann (see button rediscovery) considered Ernst Neumann as one of the famest hematologists in the century (see button Ernst Neumann, Cytology and Rediscovery).
History of the Stem cell 1868 – 1914 Koenigsberg/ Prussia
- Neumann described 1868/69 the origin cell of the red blood corpuscles (the later „great lymphocytic stem cell“ (see below 1912) and called herself „Lymphoid marrow cell“ (Blood and Pigments (BP), S.33).
„It is evident, that a continuing transformation lymphoid cells into coloured blood cells“ takes place in the bone marrow during the whole life“ 1869, BP.S. 19.
This „Lympoid marrow cell“ forms not only the erythrocytopoiesis but it is capable (in itself) to self regeneration. 1869, BP. Side 30 – 34 . “In order of the size differences of the lymphoid marrow-cells, we will be right in thinking that a permanent fluctuation will take place in the bone marrow“ (Original 1869, see summary „Blut und Pigmente“ p. 30).
1912: Until 1912 Neumann called the stem cell „Lympoide Markzelle“ 1869, then 1912 „lymphocyte“, „great lymphocyte“ or „Lymphomyeloblast„. All over the the time, he declared:
The different forms of all blood cells happening in the blood, the lymph-organums and in the bone marrow are all descendants of the great-lymphocytic stem cell. (1914, or BP, page 313). In which way this stem cell completes itself again and again, whether exclusively by a mitotic division or also from other cells particularly from cells of the mesenteric tissue, may be discussed.
Neumann was advocate of the Unitarien Point of View: All blood cells shall be descended from this post embryonic stem cell.
Proposal: Stem Cell culture 1912
As it is well known, a quarrel broke out between dualists and unitarians (P. Ehrlich). Neumann’s farsightedness demanded a stem cell culture for the completion of the quarrel:
„Perhaps a final decision will only arrive, if it possible, to isolate the individual colourless cells and to study its life events in vitro culture for some time, as Robert Koch demonstrated with the bacteria“ (N 118, 1912, BP, p. 299).
This passage earned a great mention in the book of Prof. Herbert Neumann and Dr. Yvonne Klinger 2994 – see literature below and see the blue pdf-Button Neumann: StemCell-Veröffentlichung Preußenland 2021 (German Language)
1914 Where does the stem cell comes from? Neumann answered: „We have the right, to think that the stem cells in the bone marrow are descended of the tissue bone marrow itself bzw. his Reticulum-cells .“ N 119, 1914, BP, p. 362
The original text of Neumanns meaning see German page History of stem-cell ( green Button)
Later on, I present to you three poster, which has been presented during the symposium at the University of Kaliningrad in April 2018 „150. Jubilee of stem cell research in Germany (A. Pappenheim, Ernst Neumann), Italy (G. Bizzozero) and Russia (A. Maximov):
Neumann, E.: Blut und Pigmente. Jena Gustav Fischer 1917
avassoli, M.; Yoffey, J.M. : Bone Marrow; Structure and Function. Alan R.Liss, Inc., 1983 New York
Wintrobe, M. : Hematology, the Blossoming of a Science; a Story of Inspiration and Effort. Lea & Febiger Philadelphia 1985
Schinck, Peter: Ernst Neumann als Begründer der Hämatologie, Dissertation am Pathologischen Institut in Königsberg (Prof. Kaiserling) 1920
Neumann-Redlin von Meding, E.: Der Pathologe Ernst Neumann (1834 -1918) und sein Beitrag zur Begründung der Hämatologie im 19.Jahrhundert, Demeter Verlag 1987.
Klinger, Y. Über die Entdeckung der hämatopoetischen Funktion des Knochenmarks und das Postulat der Stammzelle. Dissertation aus der Medizinischen Klinik der Ruhr-Universität Bochum 1992:
H. Neumann, H., Klinger, Y.: Knochenmark und Stammzelle – Der Kampf um die Grundlagen der Hämatologie Blackwell Wissenschaft, Ex libris Roche Bd. 1 1994
Neumann-Redlin von Meding, E.: Von der „lymphoiden Markzelle“ zur „Hematopoietic Stem Cell“, Vor 150 Jahren: Beschreibung der Blutstammzelle im Knochenmark. In: Preußenland Nr. 12 (2021) p. 41 – 56
(see Button below: Original Publication as pdf)
Zech,N.H., Shkumatov,A. Koestenbauer,S.: Die magic behind stem cells. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics Vo. 24, Nr. 6 (2007) 208 – 214
Because of the jubilee 150 years old Stem Cell – discovery in Bone Marrow, the Berlin Medical Society organized a Symposium with Members of Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and their Guests